Women's March

Scene: Coverage of the Women’s March plays on the television in the family room. Momma and the dogs are on the couch watching the TV. Daddy is working in the garage.
Big Dog Chunk: What are they all doing, Momma?

Momma: A lot of people disagree with what the current government is doing, and with how they’re doing it. Two days ago, the government shut down. Republicans blame Democrats, Democrats blame Republicans, and Washington D. C. is a big circus full of clowns.

BDC: What’s shut down mean?

M: The government needs to decide what to spend federal funds on. Until that happens, no spending will happen and Federal services are suspended, like mail service. Military personnel, emergency services, and national park employees aren’t getting paid.

BDC: So these Republicans and Democrats aren’t getting paid either?

M: Funny, no. I’m pretty sure they voted to keep their pay going, they just suspended everyone else’s.

BDC (worriedly): Are you and daddy getting paid? Will we still get treats? (Little Dog Bucky’s ears perk up and he looks hopefully at Momma)

M: No worries, we don’t work for the government, so we still get paid when there’s a shut down. And we have treats stockpiled for the next few months.

Little Dog Bucky: Treats!?

M: Not now, Bucky, though I should get started on lunch.

Momma gets up and heads to the kitchen, leaving the television on. Big Dog Chunk follows her into the kitchen. Little Dog Bucky closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep.

BDC: Maybe someone else should be running the government. Someone who can figure out how to make stuff work.

M: That’s what all those marching folks on TV are doing, around the world, bringing attention to issues that are important to them, including our elected officials’ lack of ability to pass a budget to keep the government running smoothly. (rummaging in the refrigerator, getting out carrots and ingredients for grilled cheese sandwiches)

BDC: But our family is running smoothly, right?

M: Yup, we’re good big guy.

BDC: Maybe you and daddy should run the government. We never run out of treats or food or water here. When things break, Daddy fixes them. When there are owies, I kiss them. We could do the same for the whole nation!

M: Uh, it’s a little more involved than that…

BDC (loudly): Momma for President! Daddy for Vice President! Chunky for Secretary of Kisses!

M (giggling): What about Bucky?

BDC (yelling over to LDB): Bucky, what do you want to be in charge of?

LDB (groggily): ...Treats…?

BDC: Bucky for Treat Treasurer!

Daddy comes in from the garage. Momma puts the prepped grilled cheeses on a cold frying pan and turns on the heat.
Daddy: What’s going on? I can hear Chunky from outside.

BDC (bouncing and excited): Momma’s gonna be president, you’re gonna be vice president, I’m a Secretary and Bucky is a Treasurer!

D (confused): Of.. what? Our house?

BDC: Of the whole nation! How do we get started?

M: Maybe we should start with lunch. Chunky, could you get the boys, please?

BDC runs upstairs to get the boys, asking loudly “Nathan! Jacob! What do you wanna be?!”

D (to M): Where did that come from?

M: Oh, he got excited by the march coverage on TV.

D (half to himself): You know, that’s not a half bad idea, running for office…

M: Oh no, not you, too.

D (sidling up behind Momma, wrapping his arms around her waist as she flips the sandwiches): President Scott has a nice ring to it…

M: Chunk thinks I should be president and you should be veep.

D: Chunk’s right. It’s about time we had a female president. (kisses M on the cheek)

M: You’d make a great second in command.

M kisses D on the cheek then starts to peel the carrots.


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